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The Centre for Management Practice

Amazon and Walmart on Collision Course (A&B)

Amazon and Walmart on Collision Course (A&B)

By: Nirmalya Kumar , Sheetal Mittal
Discipline: Marketing


It is a two part case, set in 2018. Case A describes how Amazon and Walmart have been two of the most successful retailers in history and responsible for changing the rules of the game in the retail industry in the US. In their wake, they have driven many retailers out of business while transforming how suppliers manage their relationship with powerful retailers. Case B presents India, one of the most attractive e-commerce market globally, as the next battleground for the two retailers.

The unique trajectory of each retailer, Amazon through online and Walmart through offline, has endowed these companies with different and distinctive capabilities. For the most part they have managed to avoid each other in the competitive marketplace by serving different consumer needs. However, as consumers and markets have been increasingly demanding an omni-channel presence, both retailers have been forced to invade the other’s turf - with Amazon seeking an offline presence and Walmart seeking a substantial online operation. This leads to several questions that engage students. To grow, how should the two retailers confront each other and build their omni-channel operations? What has been their past success in the playing field of their nemesis (Amazon offline and Walmart online)? How does the marketing strategy of the two retailers differ? What are the distinctive capabilities of each retailer and how do these either help or hinder their ability to evolve for an omni-channel future? What are the financial implications of the omni-channel transformation for each retailer?

The case is appropriate for courses related to general management, industry analysis, strategy, operations, retailing, marketing, digital, and ecommerce. Students will be able to understand and analyse the complexities involved in online versus offline retail channels, the distinctive capabilities and resources required for each business model, and the challenges faced in developing an omni-channel presence.

Inspection copies and teaching notes are available for university faculty. To receive an inspection copy and teaching note, please email cmpshop [at] with your registered faculty email ID and a link to your contact information on the faculty directory at your university as verification. An inspection copy and teaching note will then be sent to your faculty email account.

Download Information

SMU Faculty/Staff can download the case & teaching note on iNet with your SMU login ID & Password via the following links:

· The Case Part A (SMU-18-0013)

· The Case Part B (SMU-18-0013)

· Teaching Note (SMU-18-0013TN)

For purchase of the case and supplementary materials via The Case Centre, please access the following links:

· The Case Part A (SMU-18-0013)

· The Case Part B (SMU-18-0013)

· Teaching Note (SMU-18-0013TN)

For purchase of the case and supplementary materials via Harvard Business Publishing, please access the following links:

· The Case Part A (SMU-18-0013)

· The Case Part B (SMU-18-0013)

· Teaching Note (SMU-18-0013TN)


Retail trade

Temporal Coverage


Year Completed


Education Level


Data Source

Generalised Experience

Geographic Coverage

United States

Published Date


Regular price S$6.00
Regular price Sale price S$6.00
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(Please note you are purchasing the case only.)

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